Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Boy Scouts

Well we survived it. Now comes affording it. I'm still not sure how I'll handle scheduling all this stuff... but it will work out right???

My 3 yr old still has the runs. He's pooped himself 3 times today. Only at home though, go figure. He had an accident at preschool a couple of weeks ago, i asked for his dirty jeans back as they were brand new Gap jeans and they couldn't find them, said they must have been thrown in with the wash. Said they would get them back to me.. so then came the boys being sick for 10 days and so hunter didn't go back to preschool till yesterday. I asked for the jeans and they have mysteriously disappeared.. in all the years we've been going there we've lost at least an entire wardrobe of clothes a caot and TWO pairs of shoes how does this happen at a small child care center??? Me thinks that they have a thief amongst them, but I doubt they would listen. It's just VERY frusterating and daycare/preschool is impossible to come by around here (the baby has been on 8 waiting lists at differant centers for 7 months and he's only moved one spot at 3 of the centers and not moved at all on the other lists). It's NUTS.

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